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Hotel Santika KOta Harapan Indah segera dibangun !

Bala Seputar Harapan Indah yang terhormat.... fasilitas penginapan di Kota Harapan Indah sementara baru ada di Harapan Indah Club, namun sebentar lagi akan segera dibangun sebuah Hotel berbintang yaitu HOTEL SANTIKA.

Hotel Santika secara history..... Kompas-Gramedia Group, the largest media company in Indonesia diversified its business portfolio holding in 1981 embarking into the Hospitality sector.
PT. Grahawita Santika was established as the owning and management company of Santika Indonesia Hotels and Resorts. Their first opening was Hotel Santika Bandung, and after a successful entry into the market development continued to other strategically placed cities around the Indonesia Archipelago, namely, Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Cirebon, Surabaya, Jogjakarta, Pontianak, Kuta and Seminyak Bali, Manado, Makassar and others.
2006 has seen PT. Grahawita Santika reorganize and reposition itself in the Indonesian Hospitality sector, which now represents a presence in the differing market segments.
PT. Grahawita Santika have developed their brand of unique boutique Villa properties known as 'The Royal Collection' under the property names of 'The Samaya' and 'The Kayana'.
The inventory of four star properties will be listed as 'Hotel Santika Premiere' whilst the three star business hotels will remain as Hotel Santika.
The other addition to portfolio is The Amaris brand, which will complete the sustainable growth underpinning Santika's competitive edge which has now repositioned to cater to a wider client base, from two star budget hotels to luxurious villa properties.
The company's vision to be the most preferred and the biggest chain hotels and resorts in Indonesia, keep the company moving progressively with its brand values "Indonesian Home" and service motto "Hospitality from The Heart".

Rencana lokasi Hotel Santika adalah tempat arena Grass Track disamping Harapan Indah Club. Hotel ini kalau sudah jadi akan diapit oleh Carefour Harapan Indah dan Harapan Indah Club ( HIC ). Kalau belum jelas.... lokasi Hotel Santika ini adalah di seberang SPBU / Pom bensin Harapan Indah.

Demikian sekilas info semoga bermanfaat !

Bila dirasa informasi kami ini bermanfaat bagi anda... baik anda sebagai pembaca yang mencari informasi maupun anda sebagai narasumber yang kami promosikan...  Kami atas nama WELL PROJECT management akan berterima kasih bila anda sudi menDONASIkan sebagian rejekinya untuk turut serta mendukung pengembangan SEPUTAR HARAPAN INDAH DOTCOM ini agar menjadi One Stop Information of Harapan Indah City yang bermanfaat bagi banyak orang ! Silahkan KLIK DISINI UNTUK DONASI !

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